New South Wales


Do you need help with an economics issue, or are you looking for a consulting firm?  The NSW Council have put together a list of links to help and  hope that you find them useful.  If you’d like to suggest a link or be added to our lists, please contact us via



Register of Economists Directory

If you are looking for an economist for media comment or a public speaking engagement, visit our Register of Economists Directory. 


The ESA NSW does not endorse any particular consulting firm, blog or data provider. Please enjoy these links at your own risk.

The list of links

The ESA NSW is happy to provide links to any site that the Council deems provides content consistent with the objectives of the Society.  The Council reserves the right to exercise its discretion in making these decisions, and will consider a range of factors, including – in addition to the Objectives of the Society – the quality of the content at the link and its reputation. If you have suggestions for this list, please send them to


New South Wales

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