New South Wales

Sydney Ideas


From: Monday August 18, 2014, 6:00 pm

To: Monday August 18, 2014, 7:30 pm

REFLECTIONS ON ADAM SMITH'S WEALTH OF NATIONS Sydney Ideas is pleased to work with the Sydney Intellectual History Network (SIHN) this year to bring you a new series of talks on Key Texts. Following the tradition of the Key Thinkers and Key Concepts series presented by the University, Key Texts invites our leading academics to discuss a text that has influenced their way of thinking. Join us on Monday 18 August as Professor Tony Aspromourgos discusses Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations. This lecture will provide an overview of the man and the scope and content of his famous book, followed by five reflections on the significance and meaning of Smith’s thought in relation to: his originality; the character of social science; Smith’s economic theory today; the question of inequality; and policy in relation to theory. Professor Tony Aspromourgos is Professor of Economics in the School of Economics, the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. He has published The Science of Wealth: Adam Smith and the Framing of Political Economy (2009). Professor Aspromourgos is also Co-editor of History of Economics Review and Secretary of the European Society for the History of Economic Thought. For other lectures in the series and to register click here MONDAY 18 AUGUST 6 to 7.30pm Law School Lounge Sydney Law School Eastern Avenue The University of Sydney Click here for venue directions

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