New South Wales

Economics in the Pub


From: Thursday September 11, 2014, 6:00 pm

To: Thursday September 11, 2014, 10:00 pm

MEMBER ONLY EVENT The NSW Economic Society is starting  a new Economics in the Pub series designed to encourage debate, networking and interaction amongst members. The first topic in the series is   Should the government subsidise beer ? Venue:      Arthouse Hotel, Attic Room, 275 Pitt Street, Sydney When:       Thursday, 11th September Time:         From 6.00pm till 10pm Cost:           Free for all members including young economists Provided: Complementary drink and bar food provided Registration is essential - please book in below. People with a thirst for knowledge about beer and economics before the event may be interested in:  


Arthouse Hotel

275 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000

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