New South Wales

A Day In The Life Of 2016


From: Thursday March 24, 2016, 6:00 pm

To: Thursday March 24, 2016, 9:00 pm

‘A Day in the Life Of’ presents an opportunity to hear senior industry professionals reflect on their careers and provide valuable insight into a typical day in their job.  Come investigate the many career opportunities a grounding in economics can facilitate.


Jess Mizrahi (Deloitte Access Economics, Manager)

Jessica provides practical policy advice and thought leadership for industry and government clients. She has guided projects in a range of industries, with deep experience in financial services, the digital economy and health. Jessica was a finalist for Deloitte Young Businesswoman of the Year in 2015, and previously taught economics to over 300 students at the University of New South Wales.



Atsushi Yamamoto (Acil Allen Consulting)



Ben Wang. Macquarie University

Dr Wang holds a Bachelor of Economics with Bachelor of Business Administration from Macquarie University and a Master of Economics with honours from The University of Sydney. He then pursues his PhD studies in Macquarie University. His research interests include business cycle and monetary policy analysis, how economic agents form future expectations and construction and estimation of DSGE models. He has presented his work at many conferences including the Society for Computational Economic and Finance (CEF) meeting, the Dynare Conference, the Australian Conference of Economists (ACE) and the Reserve Bank of New Zealand.


Date: Thursday, 24 March 2016
Time: 6:00pm for a 6:30pm start.  
Venue, Attic Room at the Arthouse Hotel, 275 Pitt Street, Sydney
Dress code: Business Casual  

This event is free of charge.


Arthouse Hotel

275 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000

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