New South Wales

Cost Benefit Analysis Community of Practice (sorry event is FULL)


From: Wednesday April 1, 2015, 12:00 pm

To: Wednesday April 1, 2015, 1:30 pm

Sorry - this event is now fully subscribed but you are welcome to register your details on our Wait List. The Economic Society of Australia (NSW Branch) in conjunction with NSW Trade & Investment invites you to participate in a cost benefit analysis (CBA) community of practice. Broadly, the goal of the CBA Community of Practice will be to provide a forum for practitioners to meet and discuss common issues in preparing CBAs for government investment and policy. The first meeting will be held on 1 April 2015 in the MLC Centre, Parkes Room, Level 47 from 12 noon to 1:30pm. The agenda for the first meeting will be: •        Introduction – Richard Tooth (ESA) and Daniel Masters (NSW T&I) •        Presentation and discussion on the CBA of mining projects (presentation by Professor Peter Abelson) •        Presentation and discussion of survey results from last year’s CBA forum Places for the first meeting are limited. To book a seat please register below. Attendance is free and a light lunch will be provided, however, it is essential that if you register that you attend or cancel your registration at least 24 hours prior to the event. Some pre-reading may be sent out to attendees. The intention is that there will meetings held at least quarterly.


MLC Centre

19 Martin Place, Sydney 2000

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