New South Wales

Warren Hogan Memorial Lecture


From: Wednesday December 2, 2015, 6:00 pm

To: Wednesday December 2, 2015, 8:00 pm

The UTS Business School is pleased to host the 2015 Warren Hogan Memorial Lecture. Details:

  • Lecturer: Dr Martin Parkinson, Former Secretary to the Commonwealth Department of Treasury.
  • Topic: US Economic Diplomacy and its Implications for Australia
  • Date: Wednesday 2nd December 2015; Drinks from 6.00 pm; Lecture at 6.30 pm.
  • Location: Auditorium, Level 2, UTS Business School, Dr Chau Chak Wing Building, 14-28 Ultimo Road, Ultimo.

Register via this link by 25 November. Disclaimer: This is a partner event and the text provided above has not been completed by ESA.  


UTS Business School

14-28 Ultimo Road, ULTIMO NSW 2000

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