New South Wales


Rubbery elasticities and wobbly futures


From: Thursday March 24, 2016, 12:15 pm

To: Thursday March 24, 2016, 1:30 pm

Abstract: Unprecedented electricity prices rises have been accompanied by unforeseen falls in energy consumption and peak demand, both in total and per capita. With the energy sector facing disruptive change from distributed generation, batteries and EVs, this seminar will look at lessons and implication from recent experience for electricity forecasting, strategy and policy with a particular focus on customer responses. The seminar draws in part on the co-authored book chapter “The future of utility customers and the utility customer of the future” in the “Future of Utilities – Utilities of the Future: how technological innovations in distributed generation will reshape the electric power sector” to be published in April.

Bio: Robert Smith has spent over 25 years as an economist and consultant covering areas as diverse as nuclear reactors and cricket matches, climate change and crony capitalism. A regular presenter and author he has worked for both the private and public sectors, industry associations, regulators and for-purpose organisations, including the World Bank and Asian Development Bank, and most recently in electricity distribution.



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The Reserve Bank of Australia

65 Martin Place, Sydney NSW 2000

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