Only in Australia - Book Launch
From: Thursday September 8, 2016, 6:00 pm
To: Thursday September 8, 2016, 6:30 pm
You are invited to celebrate the launch of the newly published, Only in Australia. The History, Politics, and Economics of Australian Exceptionalism, (edited by William Coleman, Oxford University Press).
Time: 6.00 for6.30pm
Date: Thursday, 8 September 2016
Venue: Berkelouws, Leichhardt, 70 Norton St (free parking in Norton Plaza opposite)
Speaker: Peter Costello
This book is about the Australian difference. It is about how in economic and social policy Australia now diverges significantly from comparable countries. This volume brings together economists, historians, and political scientists to delve into what makes Australia so different. The book suggests that the 'special path' that Australia has followed for over a century is the product of physical circumstances, historical accidents, fateful choices, and the unique personalities thrown up by an extraordinary land. It publishes original contributions on these questions by Geoffrey Blainey, Nick Cater, William Coleman, Adam Creighton, Henry Ergas, Phil Lewis, Jonathan Pincus, Richard Pomfret, Keith Rankin and Peter Yule.
Books will be available for sale and signing.
Bookings are now closed
70 Norton Street, Leichhardt NSW