New South Wales

Speed Limits and Stall Speeds: Fostering Sustainable Growth in the US


From: Tuesday July 11, 2017, 12:30 pm

To: Tuesday July 11, 2017, 2:00 pm

ABE are pleased to present a lunchtime briefing and discussion with
Dr John C Williams
President and Chief Executive Officer
Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
Speed Limits and Stall Speeds:
Fostering Sustainable Growth in the United States

Tuesday 11 July 2017
Dr Williams is visiting Sydney as the Economic Society of Australia’s Eminent Speaker. He has kindly accepted our invitation to speak.
Date: Tuesday 11 July 2017
Time: 12:30 pm - 2:00 pm
Venue: The Ivy Ballroom, 320 George Street, Sydney
Lunch includes two courses and beverages.
Cost: $175 members, $205 non-members, $1950 tables of 10
Register and pay online here or with form overleaf
Enquiries: or call 0419 256 339
Dr Williams has agreed to take questions from the floor.

We offer an on-line booking and payment facility.
To book on-line, please click here
Or go to to > Events. Or, register on the form overleaf >>>
Registrations are transferable. Please advise us by phone or email as soon as you can. Cancellations advised five working days before the seminar will be reimbursed in full. For cancellations notified less than five working days before the event, no refund will be made. 

Dr John C Williams
John C. Williams took office as President and Chief Executive Officer of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco in March, 2011. In this role, he serves on the Federal Open Market Committee, bringing the Fed’s Twelfth District’s perspective to monetary policy discussions in Washington.
Dr Williams was previously the executive vice president and director of research for the San Francisco bank, which he joined in 2002. He began his career in 1994 as an economist at the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, following the completion of his PhD. in Economics at Stanford University.
Dr Williams’ research focuses on topics including: monetary policy under uncertainty; innovation; and business cycles. He has collaborated with economists from throughout the country and across the globe to examine economic and policy issues from different perspectives, and has published numerous articles in leading research journals.
Dr Williams most recently served as the managing editor of the International Journal of Central Banking. Previously, he served as associate editor of the American Economic Review. Additionally, he served as senior economist at the White House Council of Economic Advisers and as a lecturer at Stanford University’s Graduate School of Business.
Prior to completing his doctorate at Stanford, he earned a Master’s of Science with distinction in economics from the London School of Economics in 1989, and an AB with high distinction from the University of California at Berkeley in 1984. Dr Williams, 54, is a native of Sacramento, California. He is married with two sons and resides in the San Francisco Bay Area.
Australian Business Economists (ABE) aims to encourage greater understanding of economic issues by fostering debate in the financial markets, business and commercial sectors and across the community in general. Visit us at:
Australian Business Economists
email: phone: 0419 256 339
post: PO Box 7267, Bondi Beach 2026, Australia

Register online here


Ivy Ballroom

320 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000

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