New South Wales

Department of Economics & Macquarie University Centre for Health Economy, Faculty of Business & Economics


From: Thursday June 22, 2017, 10:45 am

To: Thursday June 22, 2017, 12:00 pm

You are warmly invited for the Department of Economics and MUCHE Seminar - To Lie or Not to Lie: Survey Mode Effects on the Validity of Self-Reported Substance Use Data


Dr. Mengxi Zhang from University of Technology Sydney


We examine effects of survey mode on the validity of self-reported substance use data by exploiting quasi-experimental variations in survey methods in Australian National Drug Strategy Household Survey. A single-index zero inflated probit model is employed to estimate such effects. We find that survey mode has a large effect on the surveyee’s misreporting behaviour for all three substances (tobacco, marijuana, and speed) examined in this paper, but particularly so for marijuana users. Moreover, such effects vary significantly depending on the nature of the relevant substance and the surveyee’s individual characteristics (gender, age, etc.). Finally, we propose a simple behavioural model to understand our findings.

Click here to read more about the speaker.

Kindly RSVP to - By Tuesday 20th June, 2017 COB for catering purposes.

The campus map can be found here.



Building E4A, Level 6, Seminar Room 623,

Eastern Avenue, Macquarie University , NORTH RYDE NSW 2109

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