Lunchtime Seminar: The Relationship Between Immigration to Australia and the Labour Market Outcomes of Australian-Born Workers
From: Thursday July 27, 2017, 12:30 pm
To: Thursday July 27, 2017, 1:30 pm
This talk will examine the relationship between immigration to Australia and the labour market outcomes of Australian-born workers. Following the approach pioneered by Borjas (2003), we use immigrant supply changes in skill groups, defined by education and experience, to identify the impact of immigration on the labour market. We find almost no evidence that immigration harms the labour market outcomes of those born in Australia.
Note: This talk will present the results of joint work with Bob Breunig and Hang Thi To published in the June 2017 issue of the Economic Record as ‘The relationship between immigration to Australia and the labour market outcomes of Australian-born workers’.
About the Speaker:
Nathan Deutscher is currently a Sir Roland Wilson PhD scholar at the Australian National University. His primary research interests are in applied micro econometrics, with his PhD research focused on intergenerational mobility in Australia. Prior to Nathan's PhD he worked in the Treasury in the Australian Government, advising on social policy, tax policy and macroeconomic conditions. This included two years working in the Treasurer’s Office under Treasurers Swan and Bowen.
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