New South Wales

Young Economists

Young Economists Network NSW

130910 Young Economists 003The Young Economists NSW Network is a chapter of the Economics Society of Australia NSW.

If you are still studying or are an early career economist you can join the Economics Society of Australia at a discounted rate.  The Student joining fee is just $20 and the Young Economist rate is $40. This includes membership to both the society and the Network.

The Young Economists Network organise social events and opportunities for young economists to network with other young economists. Our events include drinks, dinners, and trivia. It is a great opportunity to make new friends and use economic terms and concepts in general conversation with no shame.

Important Links for YEN

Check out our Facebook page:!/groups/164072090358582/

And our LinkedIn page:

Join ESA: Become an Economic Society Member

For more information about YEN, contact 

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